Twilight Robbery, Frances Hardinge


Thank you Pan Macmilian for this book in exchange for an honest review.


The city at night is a dangerous place. . .
Mosca Mye and Eponymous Clent are in trouble again. Escaping disaster by the skin of their teeth, they find refuge in Toll, the strange gateway town where visitors may neither enter nor leave without paying a price. By day, the city is well-mannered and orderly; by night, it’s the haunt of rogues and villains. Wherever there’s a plot, there’s sure to be treachery, and wherever there’s treachery, there’s sure to be trouble – and where there’s trouble, Clent, Mosca and the web-footed apocalypse Saracen the goose can’t be far behind. But as past deeds catch up with them and old enemies appear, it looks as if this time there’s no way out . . .


I am seriously in love with Frances Hardinge’s work. I mean can this woman be any more amazing? Ahhh yeah let’s face it NOPE!

Twilight Robbery is the sequel to Fly By Night and straight out you wouldn’t even need to read Fly By Night before you picked up Twilight Robbery as it could have very well have passed as a standalone. The characters were introduced brilliant without an over description in case you have read Fly By Night and for those that did read the first book it picks up right where it left off.

This early Victorian England sequel sets itself around Mosca a 12 year old girl, Eponymous Clent and of course by far the most AMAZING character Saracen the goose! Clent’s past finally catches up with them and preventing them to enter any nearby towns, except for a place called Toll, which is located by the river they need to cross. But Toll is no ordinary town, not that you would want it to be either; Toll is a town divided. During day light hours the citizens are well behaved but they disappear come night, when the villainous citizens come out to play. Excited yet? To add some confusion to the plot, the citizens of Toll don’t exactly disappear not do they cease to exist, they are more like hiding in fear. Intriguing right? Wait for it… it gets better! Visitors, such as Clent and Mosca, may neither enter nor depart from Toll without paying a price. Managing to get the entry paid to enter Toll, Mosca and Clent still need to find a way to leave, to escape. And they have only three days to find the money or Mosca will be taken to the dangerous Toll by Night!

What I love about Hardinge’s writing is that it always seems to be a story with in a story and every little detail has been thought through, leaving no stone unturned and no question unanswered. In this delightful world – names have power! What separates the people in Toll are their names and the power they possess.

Not only is Hardinge the queen of world building, she is also creates her characters with depth, unique personalities, compassion and the will to survive.

Mosca is a 12 year old scrawny kids with extreme street smarts and causing havoc with politics in every town she comes across. This strong and independent female is a character that I love, she is complex, will do anything to survive and stand by her friends no matter what.

I adore Clent! I really do! He took on the father figure for Mosca and I love this. Clent protects her but still jokes around with her I LOVE IT. It would be the perfect if this bond was real! If they bring out a third book I would love to see more into Clent’s life.

I honestly don’t even know where to start with Hardinge’s writing style, she is just too amazing for words! Not only do the main characters develop, Hardinge also develops side characters as well. There are so many plots twists and turns in her books as well. It keeps you on your toes and for me that is amazing since I usually try to figure out the plot before I even start reading. Hand my heart I do not ever think I have come across a writer who even has the same captivating style, it is a field of its own.

Twilight Robbery was brilliant. Captivating. Funny. Heart pumping. I want more!

Rating: 4/5

ISBN: 9780330441926

Publisher: Macmilan

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