The Universe is Expanding and so am I, Carolyn Mackler


Thank you Bloomsbury for this book in exchange for an honest review



Six months ago, Virginia decided to ignore the ‘Fat Girl Code of Conduct’ she used to live by and make her relationship with Froggy Welsh the Fourth official. But now things are getting complicated. She’s not sure she still likes Froggy, her mum has betrayed her to the meanest girl in school, and her brother Byron – she’s not she’ll ever know how to feel about him. And then she meets Sebastian. He funny, sweet and he doesn’t want to talk about family, and Virginia’s fine with that. But then a terrible secret comes out that could ruin everything.

Fifteen years after the publication of the acclaimed The Earth, My Butt and Other Big Round Things, funny, fierce Virginia Shreves is back for round two.



Alight I’ll admit it I am usually the first one to hate contemporary book but this… was EVERYTHING.

I have never been so involved with reading a contemporary in my life. I honestly smacked someone with the book because they thought it suitable to interrupt me. I couldn’t stop reading it, I didn’t put it down. I read this book cover to cover and want more.

There are so many amazing points to this story so bear with me.

A character. Actually scratch that. The MAIN character is ‘overweight’ not the side kick, no the annoying person in the background of the book and we never learn their name. The main character of this book was technically over weight and it was the most amazing aspect of this book. FYI to all you authors out there, we fatties can be as good of a character as any one skinner then us. Just don’t forget it!

Not only does our main character carry around extra weight she also carries around the insecurities that come with it. And I am sure that I am not the only one that can say yes, been there and dealt with that. Virginia, the star and our leading lady lives and struggles with her weight and how people perceive it and how her health freak of a mother deals with it. Being a teenager is hard enough, you literally want to pull your skin off your body like a suit without the added stress of what others think of you as well. And on that note, love your body not only is it the only one you get but it is fucking fantastic and you are perfect!

Sebastian was a dream come true for Viv and as much as I would have ignore the crap out of this snooze fest if I met him in real life, he and Viv were just too amazing together, bringing each other up and never letting them fall. How they deal with the drama of the family and the situation and despite everything love each other is soo charming and Cinderella-ish. TO be fair if I didn’t love Viv as much as I do than this romantic aspect of the book would have irritated me and I would have thrown sand in my eyes but it made Viv happy so therefor I tolerated Sebastian. That and he shares the same name as an awesome red crab but hey.

Characters aside, this storyline was intense and the whole family horror that Viv faces is full on and it reminds you that sometimes you are lucky to live where you are. I wouldn’t be able to put myself in her shoes and carry on so calmly as she has done. Viv is honestly a damn superstar.

Honestly couldn’t fault the book. The words were distractingly engaging and Viv is everything. Cannot wait to see was Mackler produces next!!!

Love yourself. You are amazing.


Rating: 5/5

Publisher: Bloomsbury

ISBN: 9781408897041


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