Bloody Rose, Nicholas Eames


Live fast, die young.

Tam Hashford is tired of working at her local pub, slinging drinks for world-famous mercenaries and listening to the bards sing of adventure and glory in the world beyond her sleepy hometown.

When the biggest mercenary band of all rolls into town, led by the infamous Bloody Rose, Tam jumps at the chance to sign on as their bard. It’s adventure she wants – and adventure she gets as the crew embark on a quest that will end in one of two ways: glory or death.

It’s time to take a walk on the wyld side.





Before I start this review I need to say that I really loved Kinds of the Wyld and I mean really do!! I always tell my book friends to buy it and say that is one of the best fantasy books out there. My heart breaks when I can’t say the same thing about Bloody Rose. Actually it doesn’t break, I just didn’t want to sound like a complete heartless bitch.

Are we there yet?

This book took wayyyy too long to get into. I mean there was so much talking and soo many feelings that I just wanted to hail a taxi and return home. There wasn’t this many feeling floating around in the first one. Was it because the main character was a female instead of a male I mean come on guys we are more than over emotions thinkers. It kills me okay. IT KILLED ME. Just kill something and be happy about it already.

To be honest I didn’t enjoy the whole point of view from a female at the start of all. It wasn’t enjoyable, too much thinking and cuddling and holding hands and I wasn’t okay with it. It literally took forever for her to be a bad ass and I almost didn’t not want to hang around for it. I’m impatient and this was like watching grass grow. Clay and his merry men got to the point quicker.

It wasn’t as entertaining. Don’t get me wrong the whole stab stab thing happened but there was no comedy element at ALL until Moog came back on the scene and I wanted to hug the guy for saving it. Moog is funny. Everyone else wasn’t. Long live Moog and his awesomeness.

This may sound harsh but it’s not like anyone pays me to be pleasant sooo I’m just going to lay the cards on the table even if no one wanted to hear about it.

I compared the two books.

I shouldn’t but I did. I’m not sorry. Not in the slightest. Kings of the Wyle was beyond brilliant, fast paced, full of action and ohh the lol’s were amazing and there were plenty of lol’s. This book didn’t have nothing of the fun stuff until the very end and even that wasn’t enough to save it from this review. Again needed more Moog or someone or something just as awesome.

Tam was a potato.

No joke. You know how you get a packet of hot chips and there is always one black chip that your like ‘ewww’ and put aside never to eat and enjoy. Tam was that chip. She was floppy, lacked salt and was just plain burnt out. No one wants the chips, this isn’t what we paid for. Someone feed Tam aka the burnt chips of the seagulls. (One a side note don’t feed the seagulls chips. The salt isn’t good for their digestive system.)

Bloody Rose was meh. And I mean meh. Usually a bad ass chick peeks my interest and I stand up on meerkat hind legs and search for them but she let me down, her bad assery wasn’t cool man. Too many issues, too many tissues and cry me a fucking river I was done with her toddler tantrums. Clearly Gabe did not smack her enough as a child and she is off wasting oxygen from all the cool characters.

Freecloud – ohh thank god I had something to enjoy before I got to the final few chapters that held all the entertainment.

Cura was interesting and this story would have been soo much better told from her POV instead.

Brune loved him. He was good and definitely did not get enough screen time.

Brutal review I know but I’m giving a star to Eames because I love his writing and world building. His just fantastic. I gave another 2 stars for Moog because damn this dude funnnny.

Rating: 3/5

Publisher: Orbit

ISBN: 978035650944



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