Wow, her booty is that big?


Alright today’s rant is kinda a teaching moment and a chance to have a glance to peek over the fence. What other side you may ask? Well it ain’t my backside, just another side of the viewing glass, so grab a wine, get yourself comfortable and listen up ladies!

Now before I get into this let me say straight off the bat, I DON’T CARE WHAT SIZE YOU ARE!! Honestly I don’t. I am not a sizist, I frankly don’t care how small or big you are, how tall or short you are. If I hate you, it’s because your personality fucking sucks and it’s illegal to throw rocks at stupid people, which I really don’t understand.

Now AGAIN, before we get into this massive chat there might be something that you don’t know about me! I was obese.

Being someone that was once considered an obese person and after dropping a shit load of weight, I have got the weight jabs aka knife in the back comments, from both sides of the scale.

Fat me got “have you tried exercising” “just go on a diet” “should you be eating that?” you name it I got it. But when I started losing weight I thought “thank fuckkkk all these people and their opinions are going to fuck right off” but they didn’t. I legit lost a few friends because I was once their DUFF and they never asked me about my lifestyle change or how I was going. I just got dropped from the lives. But that’s fine, I started to feel good and confident about myself and then skinny me got: “don’t drop any more weight you’ll look sick” “you need to eat a burger” “that’s disgusting that I can see your bones” “you need to stop losing weight”
How about y’all kiss my ass!!

This is the thing right? We are put into two categories FAT and SKINNY when the only category we should be aiming for is HEALTHY!!! That’s right it’s out there. Healthy is what we should be aiming for, not skinny.

Now why the hell aim I grabbing my ass and talking about weight you may ask? Well I’m glad you asked because 1) it’s my ass and I’ll grab it if I want to. 2) because I am sick and tired of being compared to other woman 3) someone mentioned a size of clothing in a bad way and that size just happens to be the size I wear…

Okay so this bookstagram (who will remain nameless) mentioned that she got down to a size 8 (Aussie size) and how it was disgusting, she looked sick and that no one should be that size because they have a health issue.
…. Health issue?
…. Size 8 must have health issues?
I’m a size 8 and I am a fucking mental basket but I do not have health issues. So how about you stick your clothes size up your ass.
Size 8, 10, 12 or even 14. It doesn’t come down to size people!!! It comes down to health! Now there is a difference between referencing yourself at a negative point in your life and a clothing size but at no point should you push that a certain size as disgusting and people of that size have a health issues. Like who the fuck made you a qualified doctor so you can give that diagnose!!!

Wanna have a pizza eating contest bitch? Cause my size 8 ass will out eat you any day! It won’t pretty and there will pizza all over my face but I’ll show you just what the fuck I can do.

So let’s talk about female clothing sizes. This is the fun and educational part of the rant. Did you know back in the olden days when Gene Kelly was dancing in the rain (its actually earlier but I’m relying on the fact yall know who Gene is) that woman didn’t have sizes?
Yep. Thats right! Whilst men had the luxury of buying clothes and getting them altered, females would have to go in and get items made from scratch. Yep measurements were done, clothing was sewn and a while later we would return and collect out handmade dresses.
When clothing sizes for females kinda became a thing, there wasn’t anything set in stone, like there was for men. Every single clothing line, brand, or clothing wizard has different versions of what a particular size is. This is why you can buy the exact same size pair of pants from a multiple stores and they will not all fit you differently and when comparing those particular clothes against each other their will clearly be a difference in measurement.

SO whilst clothing is a pain in the ass to buy, there is also this massive argument about body confidence vs health.

I have a few things to compare so take this chance to refill your wine.

Let’s start with me, because not only do I see both sides of the argument below but I have been at both sides and I got annoyed by the opinions that others were passing on.

When we think about body confidence, we generally talk about how woman of any size should be embracing their body and how they should not be ashamed and if there is an opinion from anyone else, it is therefore taken as ‘fat shaming’ But is it really?

Let’s look at me. I was a size 18 (pushing 20 but let’s not go there) and my mental state was horrible. Not only did I hate looking at myself, I hated going out, and I ate my feelings. Now when friends and family were making the comments about my weight, they realistically weren’t doing it in a negative way, they wanted me to be healthy (mentally and physically) and live longer.

Now I am a size 8. The comments that I get about eating more, or the warnings about dropping another KG aren’t said to be negative, again, they are said by people that care for me. At a size 8, my mental health and my physical health is actually incredible!! I don’t have high cholesterol, I don’t have reactions to food, my organs are no longer in the danger zone for shutting down, I don’t have the risk of getting diabetes anymore.

The comments that I heard at either of the fat or skinny scale, I TOOK AS A NEGATIVE, it doesn’t mean that the people around me are horrible.

Does this makes sense? Nope… just keep reading and hopefully it will!

Lets have a look at the ‘skinny’ end of the scale. Let’s use models as an example. Did you know that many models have admitted to not eating days before a run way so they look skinny? Really? But the pizzzzaaa!

Why are we promoting that only skinny people make the perfect models, why are the larger woman ignored for modelling, acting careers???

Let’s also look at Angelina Jolie, now not only is she a bad ass bitch and I fricken love her but how often do you see her in the news for being ‘too skinny’ ‘people are fearing for her health’ Think about it! She has always been that skinny, so why does it need to be an issue. She isn’t unhealthy, she actually looks healthy and will never age. Seriously how does she not have any wrinkles? Is it magic?

You picture any magazine, that you have picked up lately and I guarantee you there will be an article on someone who is ‘TOO SKINNY.’

Being skinny is NOT a horrible thing, it doesn’t make you unwell, it doesn’t mean that you are sick.

But why is being skinny, being shamed? Why is this even a thing?


Now let’s talk about the other end of the scale which is a hard one and something that leads into a bigger conversation. And I should say again, that I don’t care about size, I am only here to share both sides of the health scale to hopefully give you guys something to think about.

So in an interview Melissa McCarthy said she was living a healthy lifestyle. This was raised as a praise to McCarthy and the healthy lifestyle that she lives but at the same time she would have most likely been categorised as obese.

We should also note that when an excessive amount of weight is stored in our bodies, it activates cancer cells, it causes diabetes and a number of things that can end a human life, including organ failure. This is something that gyms, doctors and anyone in the healthy lifestyle workplace acknowledge. Do you know that 50, 000 people in Australia die from obesity every year. How insane is that? That is sooo many people that it isn’t funny!!! And why? Obesity is something that we help beat!

Another interesting thing I saw was some gym person named Julianne was talking about how Lizzo’s weight shouldn’t inspire self confidence. This statement tore me. A part of me was like hell yeah woman feeling comfortable in her own skin! Another part of me was thinking that maybe this isn’t the right mindset to give the younger generations of girls.
Now this Julianne person was critised for hating and fat shaming Lizzo about her weight. And I’ve watched this interview so many times, at no point was she really that negative. She pointed out the Lizzo should be appreciated for her music and not her weight. And I kinda get it but at the same time this is a health professional, does she know better and did she base her opinion on facts??


We love our friends and our families and if we had the chance to improve their life, their health and have them around for many more years, wouldn’t you want to suggest that they have a better lifestyle and have a healthier lifestyle? And with that thought in mind, is that fat shaming?

A friend of mine from back in the day is now a vlogger for something…like a magazine or what not. And she is LOVELY and she is a size 22. Over the course of about 2 years she went from a size 6 to a size 22. She may have posted a selfie online, on Instagram in fact. And the comment that was left by someone was ‘Have you thought about going to see a doctor about your weight?’ My friend, as lovely as she is went OFF THE HADNLE. Straight away this person that left a comment was called out for fat shaming. Was the comment there inappropriate, or does she want my friend to have a healthy, long life?

I also want to add.

If your friend was standing on the edge of a cliff and they wanted to jump, what would you do?

If your friend started smoking, would you tell them that it’s disgusting and can kill them?

If your friend wanted to ride a motorbike without a helmet, would you tell them that’s crazy?

If your friend wanted a lift in your car but refused to wear a seatbelt, would you stop and make them wear it?

If your friend has a peanut allergy would you stop them eat peanut butter on toast?


Did you want to stop your friend from any of the above because you want them to live, you want them around, you want to have a happy life with them. So if your friend is obese and they are not looking after themselves, what would you do? Is there any difference??



This is the thing. I get both sides. And I can’t pick a side. I physically can’t. I want people to comfortable in their own skin but I also want people to have a healthy life. I think that we should be aiming for healthy, not fat or skinny. Size 8 for one person is healthy while size 14 for another person is healthy. Our bodies are amazing things that we should look after, that we should treat like a temple or our favourite book, we should look after the body we have, because we only have one.

I think that if YOU are unhappy with your body, see a medical professional. Do not look taking up a diet that will last a few months and won’t be good on your mental or physical health. Speak to a MEDICALLY trained expert. I did and it is working absolute wonders for me, and I feel HEALTHY!! Think of your body like a car, what happens if you don’t put the right petrol in your car? Is it just going to run smoothly? No, it’s going to keep breaking down until you get it looked at and repaired. Your gut health is so important, and the health of your gut affects all areas of your body.




So let’s have a recap before I sign off and get myself a glass of wine. Think about both sides of the fat shaming fence and think about how it affects you and affects other people and if that is in a NEGATIVE or POSITIVE way for that person!

Let’s stop using words like SKINNY and FAT, let’s replace them with HEALTHY!!


Remember to love yourself. Remember that you have got life by the balls. You got his chick!!





I did not and will not take sides in the above rant. It was only to express both sides. AGAIN I don’t care what size you are, I will judge you by your shitty personality not what size clothes you wear. This is just a discussion around how we view HEALTH in a negative way.

I recommend seeing a doctor before making any choices about lifestyle changes (diets) or anything drastic. I would highly recommend seeing someone that focuses on gut health!! Please keep in mind that what is HEALTHY for someone else might not be HEALTHY for you. Do not listen to commercials, adds or anything that discussed what you should be eating, that discussion should be have with your doctor.

You should say fuck you to the following: soup diets, cigarette diet, vinegar diet, cleanse, diet, celery diet, detox, charcoal cleanse, baby food diet, the ice diet, actually let’s just say fuck you to the world DIET.



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    1. Miss Blue Fairy Tales February 1, 2020 at 5:18 pm

      You are welcome 🙂