Riptides, Kirsten Alexander


Thank you Penguin for this book in exchange for an honest review





In 1974, in country Queensland, Charlie Campbell forces a car off an unlit and rarely travelled dirt road into a tree, killing the pregnant driver. The crash wakes Charlie’s sister, Abby, who’d been sleeping in the passenger seat next to him. They were heading to their father’s farm.

A dead woman has no place in either of their plans. They drive away, leaving her on the ground as heavy rain falls. They cannot help her, there are no witnesses, and there is too much at stake.

When they arrive at the farm, the siblings learn that the dead woman, Skye, was their father’s fiance.

They resolve to tell no one what they’ve done — to admit to this crime will cost them their father and their future. Charlie leans on his older sister to lead them out of trouble, to act as the protector she’s had to be since their mother died. But their secret grows more complicated by the day.

Abby, however, is not one to give up. She keeps the single piece of evidence hidden, and decides to redeem herself. She determines to raise Skye’s son as her own, study, and make a difference. She is convinced that she and Charlie can get back on track. But along the way, they need to reconsider exactly what it is they want





Riptides is a multi-layered story. And I mean multi-layered. As soon as you figure out what you think is going to happen and where the story is going.. BAMB another layer. The twists and turns throughout this book are intense and will leave you second guessing everything. I honestly couldn’t recommend this book, it will have you on the edge of your seat, laughing, gasping and heart thundering in your chest.

Set in 1974 in Queensland, Australia we meet Charlie and Abby who are heading to their father’s farm before they are involved in a horrific car crash that where they killed the pregnant driver of the other car. Leaving her on the side of the road dead, they soon learn she is their father’s fiancé. This single action changed the course of their lives forever.It

After deciding to keep the car accident their little secret, they soon find that the secret begins to tear their lives apart as more people become involved with the case.

I swear that this was one of the more intense thrillers that I have ever read! Not only was the plot amazing, but the characters were realistic and the writing was fantastic!

Loved this and would recommend if you wanted something a little more on edge.





Rating: 4/5

Publisher: Penguin Random House

ISBN: 9780143792086


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