The Letter for the King, Tonke Dragt


Thank you Allen & Unwin for this book in exchange for an honest review




When Tiuri answers a desperate call for help, he finds himself on a perilous mission that could cost him his life. He must deliver a secret letter to the King who lives across the Great Mountains – a letter upon which the future of the entire realm depends.

It means abandoning home, breaking all the rules and leaving everything behind – even the knighthood he has dreamed of for so long.




I am actually surprised that I haven’t heard of this book before considering it has been around for a while and there is a Netflix TV show for it, guess I have been living under a rock!!

I do love finding an inspiring character. Generally the hero of the story who is depicted as brave really isn’t and relies on other’s to assist them or they seem absolutely perfect and everything magically goes their way. Tiuri isn’t like that at all and is generally a good and kind human that honestly tries to carry out his tasks no matter what gets thrown in his path.

You read about a young 11 year old boy that braves the elements, the outside world and his fear as he carries on the task he know has to be done, the fate of the world rests in his hands.


This book was soo beautiful and one of those books that I think will be an instant classic and will never age. The story was extremely well written, providing enough detail of the world building to allow you to imagine it and draws you into the story, the world and fall for the characters easily. There is well and truly enough action and adventure to keep you entertained and suitable for all ages. You also get to see the internal battle that rages on in Tiuri, were he must strive not to give up and continue on his journey no matter how hard it is.

I have to admit, my favourite part about this book, is it isn’t a fantasy just for adults. Considering it’s age, this book is prime for the younger audience and give them the chance to enjoy fantasy. Going back to my childhood, there really wasn’t fantasy books that I could love and enjoy, you went from Deltora Quest to Wizards First Rule, and there was no middle ground. The Letter to the King, is great for the younger generation who devour fantasy and what nothing more to emerge themselves into a fictional world that isn’t for a child nor adult. Really for a book written in 1962, this book was well before it’s time and before the literary world evolved to cover all areas of genres for all ages. This really is a book ahead of its time and I highly recommend that you read it and hope you love it as much as I did.




Rating: 5/5

Publisher: Allen & Unwin

ISBN: 9781782692591

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