Masters of Life and Universe, Pawel Kozycz

Thank you Austin Macauley Publishers for this book in exchange for an honest review



Open provocative concepts, new challenges and new chances to swiftly exit the stone age of … today’s technology, the economy – by the way, global (cosmic) politics too – mind, and belief; do not take into consideration today’s already-old technologies and thoughts over 100 years old.

Super-fast cloning, self-replicating accelerator technology for urban, cosmological, and medical purposes; as salvage or hecatomb for an entire civilization, earth, and space.

Instant explosion speed of two-way (for macro and micro versions) development of cell, robotic mega towns for shaping our whole life, whole environment, whole planet, and whole universe; in harmony with natural cosmic technology – like a cell or big bang path of development – with needs of citizens, potentially providing support by mobile applications tools.

The book is a vision for a new definition of nature or for redefining of nature.

Really the mass self-replicating production on an unimaginable scale – not line but geometric progress productions (billion times billion more efficient) can give chance to cope or overhaul nature, take over initiative to make things matching or outperform nature structures and by the way… features like exceed limits of speed(of light) and…life.



Holy crap, this is eye opening on so many levels!

To be fair I actually thought this was a sci-fi book and when I received it I got a bit worried at how thin the book was. A few pages in, I began to realise that this isn’t a story but more of a theory and an over whelming amount of information to absorb.

Masters of the Universe was jam packed with information about space, the science behind it, artificial intelligence and a great deal more. I mean my brain literally exploded and I’m not ashamed to admit that there was a few things I had to google or reread to fully grasp its concept and meaning. It also breaks down the religion, politics and general human rights behind it as well. Basically, for something that has their head in tune to sci-fi and the theories and ideas behind it would have loved this more than I did.

Though this isn’t something that I would usually read nor something I expected when I requested it, I still enjoyed it all the same. This was eye opening and factually brilliant, well worth the read!


Rating: 4/5

ISBN: 9781788787949

Publisher: Austin Macauley Publishers

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