Bookstagram Scrooges

The Scrooges of Bookstagram


You may ask what a bookstagram scrooge is. I’m not talking about Scrooge McDuck that swims in piles of his gold or that old fart that wears PJ’s muttering something about Christmas. I’m talking about the bookstagrammers that tend to give the rest of us a bad name. But I’ll get to that part of the rant in a second…

I figured if I am going to bitch and moan I might as well start at the start, so gather round children with your bewildered eyes and hands tightly gripping the popcorn in anticipation because this is about to get real.

A long time ago… Or at least sometime this week. I’m not sure. But I’m old okay children, stop complaining about the minor details. Anyway, I entered a rep search for a candle company, not just any candle company though, but a candle company that I have represented before and a company that I generally love her products. I was lucky enough to be chosen as a rep for round two. Mateee I was on cloud 9. I was beyond excited! Then came a comment that killed my buzz, like a child running into a room while, you know, mum and dad were playing twister… on the bed…. In their birthday suits. BOOM. Like that my buzz was gone and the heartless bitch that gathers in the darkness of my soul took over pondering the take down of this comment maker.

“You are so lucky to get more free stuff… Because you have so many followers”

Back. The. Fuck. Up. You ant snorter of a human.

Firstly – what kind of fucked up karma shit is it this people? Why do I attract the crazies? I mean I haven’t punched anyone in the face for at least a month. I need a medal karma not some crazy comment from a pineapple head.

Secondly – who, in the name of all things of fire, in the pits of Satan’s beach house, gives you the right to say that? Why don’t people say nice things anymore? Do tongues fall out when a compliment is said? Gahh the rage.

Thirdly – yes it may seem to some that I am over reacting but honestly when the voice in my head reads her comment this is what she heard. “You don’t care about this company. You only want free stuff. You only got it because of your followers. Your blue hair sucks.”

Okay I made that last one up but you get my drift.

After the overreaction that an extremely angry person, who hasn’t had chocolate in well over a month, I actually say down with a pizza and thought about it.

I got that comment because of the fucking bookstagram scrooges.

Bookstagram scrooges can easily be seen in the wild, they stand on their hind legs looking desperately out into the horizon, like a meerkat would. But only a meerkat is cute, less annoying and you never have the urge to punch them in the face.

They are everywhere and starting to creep over the bookstagram world like a plague. They are the ones that enter and win every single rep search without even a thought about the products or particularly liking them. They don’t really give a barn yard hoot about the company and the fact this business would be out of pocket with every free item that they send you. They only care about the free products they can receive.

You may be think, well yes, everyone applies for rep searchers so how do I tell the difference between a scrooge and a human with a soul? The answer is simple class. Look at their engagement.

A typical scrooge has the following:

          Only follows a minimal amount of people and with 70-90% of the accounts being business accounts only.

          They are really only about self-promotion and will generally only comment and like photos from bigger accounts then them.

          Buthead Mcscrooge will at least do 2 shout out for shout outs a month. They do the shout outs, not because they generally want the engagement from their followers but they want engagement from your followers. Simple to see if they comment after you give them a shout out. Do they say thank you? Do they even put a smiling face in your DM? Or is it just a simple exchange of two photos, one of your feed and one of theirs? That’s how you tell, because they don’t care about you, you are already following them. They just want more of your followers.

          They don’t reply to comments on photos. Don’t get me wrong this is one of those things that you need time to sit down and do, so you may sit down at the end of the week and reply back. The scrooge however doesn’t give a rats arse about the comments on their photos. If you can scroll back through their feed from days ago, weeks ago and months ago and they never respond to a single comment. Ladies and gentlemen we have a self-promoting scrooge over here, get that bitch a mirror.

          Their feed only consists of items they have received for free or the most popular thing around. This is all for the popularity vote, not because they generally like these things, but because they will get more followers and engagement from it.

          Stories about promoting other companies or free things they got. You won’t see anything else besides this. I mean why would they bother posting a meme or two on their story if it ain’t gonna get them more followers.

          Always enters the rep search. And I mean every single one. Not just like ohhh damn I’m going to try my luck at Fairyloot with my fat fingers crossed in desperation. I mean they will try out for every single massive and small business that is looking for a rep and constantly let you know that the rep search will needs some love on their story, because they want the free stuff. Just as bad as Seaworld claims that their animals are cared for and love… No one believes Seaworld so don’t believe the lies of the scrooge

          Never hold’s giveaways that puts themselves out of pocket. Because why would they? They want that fat cake all for themselves.


Now please for the love of all things inholy and impure, do not sit there and go oh crap I enter a few rep searches so therefore I am the scrooge of all scrooges. Because I guarantee you that you are not a scrooge and I always encourage you to enter a rep search but just be mindful of the company and their needs and requirements for promotion. Have your aim for applying for a rep search be purely because you love the company and their products not simply because you a broke ass bitch that wants freebies. Make that the defining feature.

Now that we have the bases of a scrooge covered, let’s talk about that nasty little comment that made my self-doubt and horrid part of myself rise to the surface. And although I don’t need to explain myself, I’m going to fucking do it anyway.

I did not enter the rep search because I want the free candles. Honestly I am a massive fan of Ash and Quills candles, so if Leonie decided not to send me any products and told me to showcase the products I received last rep period I would and I would 100% be fine with that. Like I said, I love her products and I did NOT reapply for free candles. Did you read that comment maker?? Slap that silly though out of your fat little head.

The rep searches I apply for are companies that I love. You would never ever see me applying for the YA Chronicles rep search, because I would be mortified not only receiving their products but publically lying to my followers about how amazing it is. Writing that actually made me vomit in my mouth, it tasted like the YA Chronicles, dirt and deceit. Come on people, you know I love a good rant sesh and I’m more honest than a priest. So when I say I like a company, I really fucking love them.

And to be honest, I really hope that I’m not picked as a rep based on my followers and if I found out I was I would really be disappointed. I would much rather be chosen as a rep because sometimes I put effort into my photos, I reply back to comments and DM’s and I want nothing more than to encourage people to read and love books. You doubt that – ask how many people I may have threatened at knife point to read Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence, because damnnn that book is a bloody beauty.

I said a while ago that I would name the rude, ignorant little troll fuckers that bully, ask me for free books and well send me anything that that would make Santa put them on the naughty list. But after I pushed the narcissistic doubting bitch back into her inner cage, I realise that it may not be me that she was generally being snide to, it was all the scrooges of bookstagram that whore themselves around and give us all a bad name.

And since it’s illegal to light a bag of dog poop and leave it on their porch, there isn’t really much that we can do against these scrooges, except unfollow them and hopefully they stop blinking at themselves in a mirror long enough to know that we are onto them.

Holy balls that was a long rant, let me know if I should do a post on how to avoid a scrooge and more information on what to look out for.

In the meantime, love each other and leave the punching of bitches to me.

Blue xx

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