What the… bookstagram?

Ohhh here comes the dreaded conversation about opinions.


You have them.

I have them.

The cute guy across the road that ignores my existence has them.

We all have them.


But the question is are we using them correctly or, bluntly put, are we being a bitch about it?

Now don’t start reading this and roll your eyes and be like here we go because at some point I hope that my point gets folded up and put into your pocket and you might find it useful like finding $5 you never thought you had.

Like a watermelon get crushed between thunder thighs, let’s break this down into two parts:

–          What is a rude opinion that so many keyboard warriors and their small little minds feel as though they need to share.

–          And what effect does this have on the bookstagram community


Keyboard warriors, the whole stigma around these little trolls makes me laugh, but I generally have thick skin, a don’t give a fuck attitude and I know that with face to face confrontation they would generally wet themselves in fear. My dad always said, ‘never start a fight but make sure you throw the last punch and knock those fuckers out’ and well I like my old man to be proud of me. I always finish a fight. And that is where the little keyboard hugging fucks go wrong when they begin to undermine us strong willed humans.

For those that ever get those abusive message, confronting opinions or anything really from these little snot fuckers, I encourage you to shrug it off or defend yourself. Because that’s what little boogers need, they either get eaten alive or flicked to the curb. They are only brave sitting in their little room at their mum’s house, crying out for attention in their sheltered pathetic lives and desperately wanting to be loved. They have no worldly experience, they probably have never struggled at life because everything gets silver served to them on a platter every time they open their little life sucking mouths.

And because they are so self-entitled they believe their way of the world is correct and therefore you having and sharing an opinion is wrong. And to the little belittle comments they feel necessary to share, I encourage you to stand up for yourself and put these elephant turds back in their place.

Hopefully many of you have never gotten the unnecessarily aggressive messages and never will. But their comments are easily spotted:

–          You don’t deserve to review books

–          That opinion is soo stupid

–          You don’t deserve to win that

–          What the fuck’s wrong with you, I can’t believe you didn’t like this

–          What an idiot I can’t believe you haven’t read Harry Potter (This is for my boo @aus.fangirl.reads)

I’m just going to say it bluntly. If you say these things to other bookstagrammers, you are an asshole. There is no point covering the truth with dirt like it was a fossil from the Jurassic era. Might as well tell you so that way you can get a special ‘pathetic bitch’ enamel pin to wear.

These comments are vile, pathetic and honestly a waste of wonderful bookstagrammers reading time.

I hope you guys never get these kind of comments but if you do reach out to your bookstagram friends for support, I’m sure they will help you weed the system of these vile little creatures. If not, contact me. I love to swear and I have an intimidating angry voice, which is actually fun to use.


Alright, since we devoured the first half of the water melon and the seeds are growing watermelon trees in your gut, shall we start on the second?

I BLOODY LOVE OPINIONS. Kind ones of course but I love opinions.

And over recent times I have begun to realise that a lot of people don’t like the negative stigma around my opinions or as I like to call them blunt thoughts. Which is fine, each to their own peach pie. But it also got me thinking that there really aren’t a lot of people that have negative opinions out there and are they forced to remain silent?

Please note before we continue on… a negative opinion about a book or a brand doesn’t make you a bad person. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it and you are more than encouraged to share your opinion and thoughts on it. However tagging the company/author and bullying them about their work is completely different, that actually makes you a keyboard warrior. If you need further details about what the difference is, message me.

If you don’t like a book, post about it, talk about, and share your thoughts about the book with the world. Because that’s what bookstagram is for. As a community we chat about books we loved, books we hated and books that made us roll our eyes but we still had to find out what happened at the end.

Lately bookstagram has become a place where only the softest of opinions are alright to share and we softly step on egg shells to avoid upsetting everyone with an opinion. It’s almost as though only popular opinions can be shared. If you hate a book, tell us and tell us what you hated about it. YELL about how CRAP the book is, because there are the posts I look for, to help shorten the TBR pile that is forever growing and taking over my house like a bad weed.

Think of it this way, as long as you are not attacking another human being, share you opinion and be proud of your voice because your opinion does matter. Also think about how thankful people will be if you shared your bad review/opinion of a book and they save their money and not waste it on a crap book. Like I did with the ever so fucking cringe worthy ACOFAS. Satan rest the poor trees that were killed in the making of that foul book.

And this may come as a slap in the face to some sheltered people but not everyone is going to have the same opinion as you. And this is completely fine. However, your reaction to someone else’s opinion says more about your true character than anything else. And is that something you want the world to see?

If someone doesn’t like that same book as you, guess what!?!?! They won’t be burned at the stake for their crimes and horrors of opinions. What will actually happen is the world will keep spinning and they will live a very happy life donating that trashy book to the thrift store. While you Justin Timberlake and cry a fucking river in your mumma’s basement.

For those that didn’t know. I am opinionated as fuck. I share my opinions. Actually scratch the last part. I LOVE to share my opinions. Especially when people like to be flat out bitchy and rude, I love to rant about it. Having an opinion and being a rude little maggots are two different things. Lets try and keep that in mind people.

Few things to pull away from this brief rant:

  1. If your opinion is rude. Inhale and choke on your opinion because literally no one wants your self-righteous opinion
  2. If you don’t like something, talk about it, yell about it. It is what this community is for. After all not every book is going to break our hearts in a good way and we need to know about it.
  3. Speak out against those that give you negative comments, I guarantee you that their little minds won’t know what to do or say when you answer back.


Remember it is fine to hate something and talk about it. It’s when you start hating on someone that you become that special yellow snow flake that no one wants to talk to.


As usual, don’t be a dickbutt and be nice to one another.


Blue  xx



Disclaimer – Due to recent events I should state that this was a suggested rant for me to post. This is not targeted at anyone nor suggesting anything against any one person, book or company. This is just a general rant.

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