This is a common thing. Sometimes authors leave the comfort of their keyboards and warm delicious coffee and will contact bookstagrammers to review their work. Its rad as fried potatoes when this happens but like anything in life there are good and bad aspects of this approach.
First off, it is really exciting when an author contacts you, it really is a pumpkin turned carriage kind of situation. All you need is a blue gown and bibbidi bobbidi boo, you have yourself a dream come true. You are beyond excited, you want to review their book, but what is the obligation here?
Honestly just one: Read the book and write a review. But just like all good things in life there are some miserable aspects to watch out for. Shall we start with the negative?! *evil laugh*
Author Negatives
My number one hate is when authors ask you to pay for their book. Now not all authors are like this but there are the stinking bad eggs that are desperate enough to try. If an author really wants you to review their book, they should supply it. Plain and fricken simple. I get a few of these every now and then and I used to politely decline and then the authors started to get ruder then Kanye West when he is low on sugar…
“I worked really hard on this.”
“You don’t know what it’s like to be a struggling author”
“This book has had thousands of likes, so you are missing out.”
“Its only a few dollars, what are you even whinging about?”
Yep… rude little turd munchers, aren’t they!
So now I follow the link and find out how much they are asking for the book. Say it’s listed on Amazon for $10, I reply back to the author with the following “Hi, yes I would like to review your book, however I take a charge of $20 up front.” You watch how many don’t reply.
I don’t know how much I can stress this enough, the money you work hard for is your money and no one else should tell you how to spend it. If you want to go clothes shopping than do it. If you want to buy all the cats and a rundown shack and be the crazy cat lady, then do it. Buy what you want honey!
And I encourage anyone that gets the type of messages from authors, reply nicely and if that doesn’t work, you can be as rude as they are. Standing up for yourself is important.
Another fact I hate is when authors expect a positive review.
You are not obliged to like a book. Just because you got a free book does not mean you have to write a positive review about it, when you didn’t like it. You hate a book, you hate a book. After all we are human and have our own unique tastes and style.
If you do get a free book and don’t like it, you can post your review about it on your blog or goodreads or on the moon. Just don’t be a sour grape and tag the author in it. Or the publisher for that matter. The whole point of a review is to share your honest opinion, and do NOT let anyone silence you for your opinion.
If you don’t wish to post a negative review, then simply write back to the author and say ‘sorry the book wasn’t for you but thank you anyway’ kinda thing.
Personally for me, anything I read will have a review on goodreads but any review books sent to me via author or publisher will be posted on my blog, even if I hated it. Mostly cause I have no shame.
If you ever receive backlash for posting a negative review, feel free to dish the backlash back. After all if a bitch gonna bitch slap ya, bitch slap her right back.
Never be ashamed for having a negative review.
Reviewer Negatives
That’s right, the authors are not only the drainers but also the reviewers.
I cannot be more clear about this and I think Mary Poppins needs to yell while she is on the umbrella way down. NEVER TAG AUTHORS IN NEAGATIVE REVIEWS
I don’t know how more simple I can put this. If the book was a review book or not, you must never tag the author in the review if it is negative. Ever!! If the book was sent to you by a publisher, you can send them a link to your review but again, don’t tag them. The publishers do want to know you have read the book after all.
Tagging an author in a negative review is the definition of being a poo poo head. Can you image working extremely hard on something and being a tagged in negative reviews? It would be more heart breaking then purchasing an ice-cream and the sucker slips from the cone and lands on the pavement. Heart breaking!
Remember you are reviewing the work not the actual author. Never everrrrr attack an author. That is just disgusting and your mumma should have slapped some manners into you. There is never any need to be rude or talk smack about an author. This just makes you a douche.
Can you demand a paperback instead of a PDF? I don’t think you should demand anything. You can politely ask though, just don’t be expecting all authors to send you paperbacks, A) its expensive and is money out of their pocket and b) it ain’t your call to make, it’s the authors.
It is always nice to receive a paperback but at the same time, you can’t be demanding like the world owes you. ‘Accept what you are given’ as my mum always says.
Overall Positives
Now don’t get me wrong, the negative examples are only from a small percentage of authors out there. There are some truly amazing authors out there, which are kind, generous and are writing for the love of books, not because they think they are the next Sarah J Mass.
One of my first ever bookstagram friends is an author. She randomly asked me to review her first book and I accepted gratefully. Since then she has released four other books and I still chat to her and catch up for coffee. You never know how brilliant authors are until you give them a chance. Personally I sit down with my author friend and I could listen to her knowledge about books for hours and I also think it would be awesome to know how her beautiful and create brain works. Its like a zombie love right there… BRAINNNNSSSSS
Umm der, you got to read a new book and you got to read it for free!
You can actually make an author’s day. I know that sounds simple but listen to this. Receiving praise is one thing humans need and crave. It’s almost a part of our DNA, even a little bit of praise can lighten our souls, a little bit of positivity goes a long way. Can you imagine receiving a positive review about your book when you are having a down day and after reading that positive review the rest of your day is just so much brighter?
Overall you should remember two things.
If an author’s gets in touch with you be polite but stand your ground if necessary.
Don’t lie about liking the book, be honest. We all live for those honest reviews!
Be kind and keep reading!
Blue xx
The above thoughts were somewhat collected by my brain and my brain takes ownership but does not spellcheck, ain’t nobody got time for that. I also am not a zombie and have not eaten my author friends brains, thought about it a few times though… You know you eat your enemy’s brain and absorb their power?! Has crossed my mind but she isn’t an enemy and therefor safe.
Great points, Blue ?.