Reviewer Obligations vs Twats

Dunno if you have seen. But some Australian bookstagrammers thought that they would be rude to a fellow bookstagrammer who works for a publisher, when they received a reminder email about books that have yet to review. These books were sent to them from the publisher and were passed their due date.


At no point ever is it necessary to be rude to another human being for no reason, but it makes it even worse when that person you are being a dick to is just DOING HER JOB!!

So what if she sent out a reminder email?!?!

You asked for that book, so you are OBLIGATED to read and review that book!! Is it so hard!?!?!


Don’t get me wrong, I got the email as well and I completely understand. There were two books that I didn’t post reviews for because they were negative and after a few experiences with other publishers I didn’t post them, but I KINDLY informed her about this. And guess what THOSE NEGATIVE REVIEWS ARE COMING YOUR WAY SOON!


Is it self-entitlement? Or is it the need to defend yourself for being a lazy sod! Like fuck, if I worked for that publisher I would have automatically taken you off the list and taught you a valuable lesson for being a TWAT!

“Ohh you want to be rude to me??? MWUHAHA. Just gonna block you hunnyyy”

Her email is fair enough! You owe that publisher those reviews, so politely apologise and post them. It isn’t that hard!


Yes I understand that life gets in the way, and COVID is a son of a bitch but at any point did you pre-empt that you weren’t going to make the deadline (PUBLICATION DATE) and email her and let her know? Just a simple ‘hey, how are ya? Sorry my review is gonna be late, you know busy mum life over here. Just being a couch potato. My dog ate my homework’ Well did ya? Bet my fat fucking arse that you didn’t!


I got called out for not posting reviews and I owned it. How about those other reviewers, grow up and own their shit as well.


Sure you didn’t sign a contract with the publisher, but there is an agreement. Review the book provided.

Need help with that? Here are some easy little steps for you

  • Request book
  • Get sent book with a publication slip
  • Read publication slip that has publication date on it
  • Put that publication in your calendar
  • Know your publisher. Some publishers you have to post on or after said date. Don’t know. Just ask them. They won’t bite like I do – I promise
  • Read the book
  • Type review
  • Post review
  • Send link to publisher or tag them in Instagram post.


Look at that little peacocks, so easy right.


There wasn’t a dot point there saying that you need to be rude to not only a fellow bookstagrammer, but also the lady in charge of sending you FREE BOOKS! So pull ya head in, own ya shit and review the damn book.


If you can’t review the book, STOP REQUESTING THEM!


Honestly I have never been soo disappointed to hear that AUSTRALIAN BOOKSTAGRAMMERS were so rude! It is actually shameful.

We come from a bloody awesome country and are usually the kind of people to look out for one another and stand by a stranger. Instead people had a massive go at a bloody kind hearted human being over something that they got for free.


It’s bloody disappointing and disgusting.


There are small bookstagram accounts out there that don’t have the required following to receive review books and they would do anything to get a review book and treasure it, you have no idea what if would mean to them to earn a review book. And here there are some of the big accounts (with required followers to review) abusing publishers over free books. What the hell guys?? We are soo much better than this!


How about this:

Be kind to one another

Appreciate what you get

Own ya shit.


Be safe. Eat chocolate and try and be the good in the world.


Blue xx





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