Dead Man in a Ditch, Luke Arnold



Thank you Hachette for this book in exchange for an honest review





The name’s Fetch Phillips — what do you need?
Cover a Gnome with a crossbow while he does a dodgy deal? Sure.
Find out who killed Lance Niles, the big-shot businessman who just arrived in town? I’ll give it shot.
Help an old-lady Elf track down her husband’s murderer? That’s right up my alley.
What I don’t do, because it’s impossible, is search for a way to bring the goddamn magic back.
Rumors got out about what happened with the Professor, so now people keep asking me to fix the world.
But there’s no magic in this story. Just dead friends, twisted miracles, and a secret machine made to deliver a single shot of murder.






To say I was excited to read this book is a complete understatement!! I have been hanging out for this book for what seems like FOREVER! I adored the first book, actually scratch that, I worshiped the first book. And without a world of a lie, Dead Man in a Ditch, did not disappoint in the slightest! Which is epic within itself because usually the second book in any series,

Regardless, can we focus on Fetch Phillips? I mean have you met a more interesting character then Fetch? I adore him. You can always forgive Fetch for his quick decisions in time pressures situations, cause lets be honest, we all do that. Fetch owns his choices, including his mistakes, and he owns them. Fetch would have to be one of the most realistic and relatable characters that I have read in a long time.

Another aspect that I love about this urban fantasy is that its inclusive of all creatures. Sounds off but here me out, how many fantasy books have you read where there is only a few variety of creatures, which is generally one race as the good guys and one race as the bad. It is such a typical formula that a LOT of authors use. But Arnold is inclusive and builds a world full of all creatures great and small and I am here for this!!

I would love to tell you about the plot, and how it was amazing but I am not going to go into detail, with this being the second book and all, but honestly if you are a fantasy lover than you neeed too readddd thisss seriesssss!!!





Rating: 5/5

Publisher: Orbit

ISBN: 9780316455862

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