Thank you Pan Macmilian for this book in exchange for an honest review. Synopsis: The city at night is a dangerous place. . . Mosca Mye and Eponymous Clent are in trouble again. Escaping…
Browsing Category books
Swallow’s Dance, Wendy Orr
Thank you Allen & Unwin for this book in exchange for an honest review. “The noise throws us from our beds. It’s too huge to be heard; it bombards us. It’s the sound of the…
Amara’s Rose, Brianna Goux
Thank you to the author that gave me this book in exchange for an honest review. Synopsis: The Key is a sacred object which allows its holder to open portals to other planets at will….
A Court of Frost and Starlight, Sarah J Maas
Wow! I cannot believe it I just posted my first ever Booktube video! And I thought what a better way to kick off the start of my YouTube channel than have a rant/review of A…
To Kill a Kingdom, Alexandra Christo
Thank you Allen & Unwin for a copy of this book in exchange for a review. Synopsis: I have a heart for every year I have been alive. There are seventeen hidden in the sand…