Good morning. Good afternoon or good whatever the hell time it is where you currently are. Today I present another rant. The idea behind this rant was suggested to me by…
Browsing Category Rant
Vardaesia, Lynette Noni
Thank you Bloomsbury for this book in exchange for an honest review Synopsis: In the wake of loss and devastation, Alex must cast aside her grief to seek aid from…
What the… bookstagram?
Ohhh here comes the dreaded conversation about opinions. You have them. I have them. The cute guy across the road that ignores my existence has them. We all have them. But the question…
How to spot a Scrooge
Firstly – you guys are amazeballs! I had over 200 views of ‘Scrooges of Bookstagram’ and the blog hasn’t been up for 24 hours! So pat yourself on the back because you cuties deserve it!! …
Bookstagram Scrooges
The Scrooges of Bookstagram You may ask what a bookstagram scrooge is. I’m not talking about Scrooge McDuck that swims in piles of his gold or that old fart that wears PJ’s muttering something…