Synopsis: The thrilling conclusion to the Mask of Shadows duology that weaves a tale of magic, shadows, and most importantly, revenge. As one of the Queen’s elite assassins, Sal finally has the power,…
Posts tagged rant
So an author contacted you
This is a common thing. Sometimes authors leave the comfort of their keyboards and warm delicious coffee and will contact bookstagrammers to review their work. Its rad as fried potatoes when this happens but…
Sliding into my DM’s
Sliding into my DM’s… Before your mind turns to the gutter, this isn’t a conversation about sliding into my DM’s to get jiggy with it. Because A) you have no fucking chance…
We have another virgin over here!
Good morning. Good afternoon or good whatever the hell time it is where you currently are. Today I present another rant. The idea behind this rant was suggested to me by…